Met Weiqi then we headed to Suntec City to sign my contract there.
I will be working at SGH as temporary clerk!
Please don't ask about the pay as the contract state that it cannot be reveal, lol.
Wierd i know. Lots of conditions working there.
But well the pay is not too bad :)
After that we went to walked around.
Jiawen called so we bussed down to Bugis to meet up with her.
Bought lots of stuffs at Bugis street!
Its been a long time since i last shopped manxszxsxsz, so shiok please.
Weiqi then went off as she have something on to attend.
Jiawen and i continue to shop.
Finally bought Dear's birthday present!
Hope he will like it because i like it alot! Haha.
Then we trained back to Amk to meet Jiawen's bf and his frens for movie.
'Fong yun' was zzzzzzzzzzzz, wasted my 8bucks.
The sound effect was so annoying!
Damn loud and high pitch (Fighting scenes), bth.
While i was walking from the bus stop to my house, baby called!
I really miss him alot alot :(
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